BBS staff members and families, honorable Board members, leaders from Churches and Christian alliances celebrated Christmas on December 16, 2017. The celebration started with the Christmas carol by the staffs and their families. The honorable BBS Board Chairman Bishop Philip Adhikary and some board members were graciously present at the Christmas celebration of BBS and brought greetings and Christmas message. Milon Patwary, the General Secretary (acting) also brought greetings on behalf of Bangladesh Bible Society. Rev. Liton Mrong from Garo Baptist Convention delivered the special message on this occasion.
The special program for the children was very much encouraging and significant to all as it emphasized the
small gifts from the children of BBS staff members for sharing the Word of God. The Christmas cake, the presence of the Santa Clause, indoor games and feast made the celebration mu
ch joyful. This celebration brought peace, great joy, and happiness which is the Spirit of Christmas. (Luke 2:10)